Physical Therapy

Patients Choice & Physicians Choice physical therapists help patients regain physical function and improve range of motion in order to preserve the ability to move about safely and independently. The spectrum of services a therapist provides is inclusive of gait training, use of wheelchairs, and more.

According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) definition of a physical therapist, he is a trained and licensed medical professional with experience in diagnosing physical abnormalities, restoring physical function and mobility, maintaining physical function, and promoting physical activity and proper function.

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How Physical Therapists Help?

Physicians Choice Home Health Care physical therapists take care of the patients in all phases of healing. While sometimes physical therapy is considered as a standalone option, other times, it is used to support other treatments.

When you first visit a physical therapist you will:

  • Undergo a physical exam and evaluation to determine the extent of your injury
  • Receive a clinical diagnosis, plan of care, and short term and long term goals
  • Receive physical therapy treatment from skilled physical therapists based on your diagnosis
  • Have a chance to ask your questions
  • Receive self-management recommendations from the experts

Top Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy offers plenty of benefits and is deemed as effective as other treatment options.