Diagnostic Testing

At-home diagnostic testing has come a long way since it was first introduced 35 years ago and the variety of at home diagnostic and monitoring tests keep expanding.

For aging seniors, the idea of spending a lot of time at a hospital or at a lab often sounds demotivating. Many people avoid getting themselves tested because they don’t want to battle the city traffic to reach the diagnostic center.

Did you know, the traveling stress can increase your risk of infection and delay the recovery process?

At Patients Choice & Physicians Choice, patients, and their nursing care needs are kept at the forefront. We strive to provide the best care services to help improve your life quality. We do not want you to compromise on your health just because it is difficult for you to travel to the diagnostic center. Thus, to ensure that our customers receive the best health care services, we offer at-home diagnostic testing services.

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What is the Purpose of Diagnostic Tests?

Diagnostic tests often form an important part of aging elderly lives. Yet, most people do not understand their importance.

Diagnostic tests are essential at every step for the purpose of monitoring, diagnosing, screening, and prognosis.

  • Diagnosis
    Diagnosis is a process of finding out the disease the patient may be suffering from. The physicians may prescribe a list of tests to make a diagnosis or exclude possible illnesses.

  • Monitoring
    Monitoring is done to see if the disease is controlled. This is common practice with patients suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes. While it is not possible to cure chronic illnesses, it can be managed with the use of medications.

  • Screening
    Screening is performed on patients who have not yet shown any signs or symptoms of a specific illness. Screening helps to find out if the disease has begun to develop silently and if so, it is possible to start the treatment as soon as possible.

  • Prognosis
    Prognosis allows physicians to assess the likelihood of a patient to develop a disease in the future. This is done to take the precautions that can help prevent the development of the disease.

How It Works?

Getting your tests done in the comfort of your home is easy. All you need to do is call out healthcare specialists. Next, they will come to your home to collect the samples without you having to visit the lab.

Home collection sample is a service especially beneficial for the elderly, patients recovering from post-surgery, chronically-ill patients, or patients who are bedridden. By choosing at-home diagnostic testing, you get your tests done in a timely manner and can easily keep a track of your health. This service encourages a healthier and fuller life.

Types of Tests Conducted At Home

Some of the common types of tests that are conducted at home include:

  • Kidney function tests
  • Complete blood work
  • Prothrombin time
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Blood sugar level test
  • Liver function tests
  • Arterial blood gases
  • Cardiac markers
  • Portable USG
  • Serum electrolytes
  • Urinalysis
  • ECG
  • And others

Want to learn more about our at-home diagnostic testing service? Reach out to our experienced primary care physicians.